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Welcome notes here



That Cutie/Emo

E.G- I am a cute emo! When I am sad(emo- ing), I am cute without the 'e'. xP
wishy fishy

Jukie Boxie
use mine? ._.

Taggie N
Tagboard here

Picture- X
Designer- X X
Brushes- X
Image hosting- X
Image programme- X


My Emo past
{April 2009}

{May 2009}

{June 2009}

{July 2009}

{August 2009}

{November 2009}

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Weekend... 0 Messages
Now...I mean right now...am gonna blog...bout...last weekend...

Let's see...last weekend was...know what...am no good at writing in a paragraph
so I guess I'll just write in points...

* It was awesome!!!
* I came with mummy, daddy, Nami, Bambang and Faiz...
* When I first reached there,...I met my frenz,...salam with the aunties,...and
then I became crazy when I just met Kak Mira bcuz the day before I told her I
wasn't coming but in the end,...yes I did show up and I hugged Kak Mira as
hard as I could and yes she did the same and everyone was like starring at
us cause we were like blocking them from seeing the field,...
* And the small kids were soooo cute when they ran cause they were like
suppose to run for a short distance but instead they ran the whole padang,...
biaselah,...innocent people kan,...
* So at the field I was ust hangin' round' with sometimes my frenz sometimes
Kak Mira and all,...mestilah,...I must share my love with both sides,....ok...
I'm talking nonsence,...k...nevermind,...
* Then I played with Olympus,...soooo AWESOME!!!
* Then,...I went home early cause I was kinda bored there doing nothing so,...
yeah,...and I was also lucky I went home early cause if not,...Puan Afidah
would have forced me to run for ex-SKTD students,...

Ok I think that's all for today,...Oh No,...wait...not one yet,...I forgot something,...sports day was only Saturday but on Sunday,..:

* I woke up like really late then when Kak Mira was at the cafe,...I cepat2
mandi and turun to cafe,...then I makan nasi lemak for breakfast,..
* Then me, mummy, Kak Mira, Faiz, and bambang, were talking to my mom
bout something,..then while talking and also while Kak Mira was cross-
stiching,...suddenly,...these words just came out of her mouth "Sya, jum gi
bowling" then by accident some of them heard so then i told my mom then
she was like,..."why not"...so then we went to mid to play bowling...
* But when we reach there,...the bowling alley was damn packed with people,...
so we decided to watch a movie,...we wanted to watch Confessions Of A
Shopaholic but the line was so full so we went to Gardens to watch a movie,..
but that movie dosen't play there anymore so we watched Mall Cop,...
* It was awesome but somehow,...AWKWARD,...

Ok,...thats all for today,...

Message to Hui: You should have come!!!

Marsymallow A.K.A Marsya

Written on: 7:27 AM

Saturday, April 25, 2009
PEOPLE... 0 Messages
Ok now,...am gonna talk bout' people...
As in what they are...(I know you don't get this sentence but IDC people!!!)

I'll start with people from my school...(FYI,...SMK TAMAN DESA)

*NatNat...the good girl gone bad...
*Losh...the stingy but we think a like...
*Tasha...the good girl forever...
*Hui...the mean but cool...
*Hui Li...the complicated...
*Chun Fai...the gentlemen...
*Assh...the best guy in class...
*Wai Yee...the sweet girl...
*PhyPhy...the open and tall...
*Adam...the quite but crazy with his friends...
*Jeeto...the honest...
*Alien...the one who always gets mad at the monitor...
*Mr.Ho...the horny...
*Ji Yang...the bad influence...
*Mun Yee...the short...
*Mei Yan...the "hey hottie..."...
*Ken...the disciplined, innocent, funny and knows everything...
*Hiren...the MIB...
*Smarty Pants...the smarties...
*Hin Hun...the one with Stanley...
*Priscilla...the boy maniact...
*Aaron...the one who sucks...
*Jee Khuim...the president...
*Pova...the soft and gentle...
*Yow An...the funny but irritating...
*Melissa...the agressive...
*Chuan Phing...the quite...

Now...for others...

*Kak Mira...the awesome sista...
*Alya...the best buddy...
*Maryam...the unexpressional...
*Nami...the awesome bro...
*Kak Sherry...the peace...
*NadNad...the freaky...
*Mael...the teddy bear...
*Dider...the kids' favourite...
*Ezzat...the bla like sotong...
*Harith...the wangiiii...
*Atir...the sweet bro...
*Abduh...the emo...
*Bambang...the gedik...
*Ayip...the nice guy...
*Faiz...the canon...
*Muzammil...the Mr. Bean...
*Havi...the cool guy...
*Lucas...the bubbly...

Message for anyone who reads this: If you don't understand any of this,..please feel free to ask me!!!

Marsymallow A.K.A Marsya

Written on: 5:26 AM

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I juz feel like saying.... 0 Messages
OK...HI Hi...its me here...me u know...marsya...pfft...nevermind...Ok I totally have no idea of wht to write right now so I guess I'll just say...HI HI HI...sorry...that's the only word on my mind right now...ok maybe...just maybe...I have a few things to say...:

*Maybe...just ,maybe...I'll be moving to Desa Perdana next year...
*That also happens if my mom agrees...cuz I told her bout' this but she cam..
tak agree...
*Kak Mira...I look soooo bla like sotong in the pic in your blog...CHANGE IT
*Hui...am so sad for you too...(BOUT ASSH)
*Assh...just hang on and...try finding someone else quick...
*Me...dunno what to say to me....cuz I know am already AWESOME!!!
*Kak Mira...what's up with the 'dungu' word...??...
*Oh ya...Ian...dun worry...Hui dosen't like you...oh ya and...stop being perasan
*PhyPhy...dun worry....I agree with you hating...you-know-who...
*S.M...Smarty Pants...keep on getting smart...
*Hiren...Chi Cheng...
*Mei Yan...HATE YOW AN!!!...pfft...I already know you do...
*Nami...A.K.A...Iman...your such a nice guy...

*Chun Fai...your voice is soo sweet...and...get rid of the gossip dude...

Ok...I guess that's all I have in mind...

Message for anyone who reads this: If it hurts you...no offence...

Marsymallow A.K.A Marsya

Written on: 7:26 AM

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Wonderland... 0 Messages
I just came back from Kak Mira's house...AWESOME!!...I don't know why...but Kak Mira's house is just..AWESOME!!!...i arrived at the wonderland (Kak Mira's house) at around 8:30pm on saturday but when I reached...Kak Mira wasn't home yet...she was still eating with Alya and family...so while Kak Mira was out...,..I entertained myself with Bibi Nur...she was just sooooo funny and innocent and freakingly...ENTERTAINING...we were watching this movie entitiled Surat Cinta Untuk Naila on astro Aruna...the story was weird and stupid so as we were watching...Bi Nur couldn't stop laughing like a Jakun...(no offence Bi Nur)...she also kept on sayin' 'goblok' la...'bodoh' la...haisy and that made me laugh like crazy...after like..half an hour...Kak Mira arrived...with Alya...and Mummy was like.."Hi Sya!"...then,...we continued watching that story...Alya and Kak Mira agreed that the movie was stupid and weird...so Kak Mira was like..'bodoh'...and Alya was like 'bengap tul org tu',...ok then we went upstairs to Kak Mira's room...in Kak Mira's room...I was bullied by them....Meanies!!!...they were teasing me bout oily face guy...don't ask who people....i was soooo sooooooooo sooooooooooo annoyed by them...they won't stop...and Kak Mira was soooo cruel...she even wrote a blog bout' it...sooooo bbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad!!!so I was soooo pissed I just went to bed....

End of the night...

The next morning,...I woke up first before any of them...when I woke up...I saw none of them were awake so I went back to bed...after like half an hour...I woke up again...still none of them were awake...but this time I couldn't go back to sleep sp I went to the toilet...brush my teeth and went downstairs as I was hungry...I met Bi Nur in the kitchen already cooking lunch and I asked for milo ice...I waited for my drink while chatting with Bi Nur in the kitchen asking her what's this and that...asking her what she's doing...what time she woke up...what are the spices on the fridge...and anything I could ask...then my drink came...I finished my drink and asked for toasted bread with chicken slice...so while waiting for that...again I asked as many questions I could ask...(biaselah..takde kerja)...I finished my bread and Alya was awake...and she already showered...she asked for her breakfast and we watched TV...after a while searching for channels that are entertaining..(most of them are damn boring)...then Kak Mira came downstairs too...she too asked for her breakfast and watched TV with us...after a few minutes...the house phone rang and Kak Mira rushed to it...she came back too us sayin' "OMG...we have to hurry...mummy nak kenalkan her adik angkat to Alya so kite kena pegi cafe skejap lagi"...so then me and Kak Mira rushed to the toilet and took a 5 minutes shower...BTW...I bet Kak Mira mandi tak betul...HAHA...

After we all were ready...three of us walked to condo...we went too Alya's house...after a whie there...we started to feel hungry as it was lunch time..so we jalan2 cari makan to KFC and 100Yen...we went back to condo and ate what we bought...but...our food were not totally ours...people like Aniq, Iman, Irfan, Faiz, Afi and Audy stole our food...so then after we finished eating...me and Alya decided to go back to Kak Mira's house as we belum puas main...but unfortunately...mummy tak bagi Alya go back to wonderland so only I went back to wonderland...with Kak Mira of course but before that...we had to kemas the tables and chairs of the cafe cuz Iman wasn't there to do that...he had tution...so after we finished doin' that...me and Kak Mira tumpang Irfan's car to go back to wonderland...at wonderland...I was soooooooooooooo happy...no idea why but just happy...we watched hairspray and ate lunch...Bi Nur cooked kangkung tumis sambal and chicken goreng...we finished up the chicken gorng so Azmir don't get any...so bad!!...then the door bell rang...it was Azmir, Aniq and Irfan...from Aniq's house...they straight away went upstairs to play PS2...me and Kak Mira went upstairs too after we watched Hairspray and Kak Mira started blogging and chatting with Maryam and I was busy discovering Kak Mira's room...then suddenly...my RETARDED phone rang and it was my mom...(why did it have too ring...can't it don't ring when my mom calls)...she said she will be reaching in minutes and it was sooo sad...I had to leave wonderland in 5 minutes...it was just soo..HEARTBRAKING...stop being too dramatic Marsya!!!...okok fine...then I left...bye bye wonderland...bye bye Kak Mira...so sad...

Message for wonderland: Don't worry...I'll be back soon!!!
Message for Kak Mira: STOP BLOGGING NONSENSE!!!

Marsymallow A.K.A Marsya

Written on: 2:24 AM

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Dun Ask... 0 Messages
Today is AWESOME...!!!...I have no idea why but it's just AWESOME....I met some of my besties in the forest which is a MONKEY!!!...It was soooo cute and it wanted my phone!!!....ok now that part....is not AWESOME...I was in the Bukit Nanas Preserved Forest when Kak Mira and Faiz smsed...i had to reply cuz if i didn't...it'll be RUDE...so I had too....haha...i guess being rude is just an excuse to start smsing...anyway...as i was smsing Kak Mira and Faiz while jungle trekking...(that's just weird...I mean...who smses while jungle trekking...I guess I know who...ME!!!)...suddenly one of my besties just pop up infront of me hangin' on a vine from a huge tree....SCARY!!!...it was playin' with my huge puffball (name is fluffy) which is hangin' from my phone...my heart was poundin' sooo quickly at that moment as my bestie was soooo close to me that I was so scared...finelly after lyk...1 minute...my bestie just pull fluffy out and ran away...!!!...beacuse of my bestie...I lost Fluffy!!!!...

Message for my bestie: Please bring me back my poor FLUFFY!!!

Marsymallow A.K.A Marsya

Written on: 8:28 AM

Saturday, April 11, 2009
I just Luv TTG... 0 Messages
Today was awesome...!!! I went to Lake Gardens for some TTG meeting which is once a month...it was DAMN TIRING but at the same time FUN!!!..I was with Kak Mira most of the time cuz I was being her photography instructor...FYI...she sucks at taking PICS...even she admited it....the whole day after she takes a pic she will go "MAN...I SUCK AT THIS...PHOTOGRAPHY IS SOOO NOT MY BIDANG"...I'll be lyk..."YEAH...I KNOW..." ..first we went to the bird park to do photography then next we went to the orchid park then we were suppose to go to the deer park but half way there...there was thunder so we went back home...in the car...Muzammil was DAMN irritating to immitate Beyonce'(SINGLE LADY) and he couldn't stop saying D.A is gay...so that's the end of the day...it was ******* awesome!!!!;)...

To Kak Mira: I ENVY you so much for having such a great camera...
To Yam: Fix the camera women...

Marsymallow A.K.A Marsya

Written on: 11:20 PM

Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Special Request... 0 Messages
This is a special rewuest from Assh...
This blog is bout' both my best frenz who's now in love with each other...(I guess)...I have known them for such a long time but I have been close to them since last year cuz of us sitting in the same group in 6A last year...I have no idea why but suddenly both of them started liking each other and I again am the middle person of us three...Assh says he only says it so that people won't tease him...(I wonder if Hiren knows)...Hui have confessed her feelings on Assh last year in 6A during an exam before UPSR...Assh confessed this year and HELL YEAH...it was shocking...even though Assh is only pretending...I think they could be together one day...

Message for Assh..:Change your hairstyle DuDe!!!
Message for Hui..:No message..just have fun with life..(ASSH)

Marsymallow A.K.A Marsya

Written on: 6:51 AM

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
0 Messages
I have totally nothing to talk bout' so I guess I'll just talk bout' my besties...

First...Kak Mira...
*I just love how she acts around her friends...
*I also love it when she laughs cuz it's kinda...AWESOME!!!
*I also love hanging around with her...
*I have no idea why but i really think she's my idol right now...I LOVE

*Even thought she has some kinda weird facial expressions I still think she's
cool to hang out with...
*I also love how she crazily smiles when she's cheerleading...AWESOME!!!
*Even though you can't really expect what she's gonna do next...but I think it's
uniquely fun...
*I just love seeing her suffer when people are teasing her (in a good way)...I

Third...Hui and Nat...
*I love hangin' out with this two people who both have different personalities..
*I also love it how Nat is a good girl gone bad...(she really is)...
*I love it when Hui's face turn red when we embarrass her (in a good way) or
when her crush passes by...(Assh,...)
*I just love hanging round' with them...I LOVE THEM...

*I just love hangin' round' with Assh...
*He's not like some of his lame friens...
*I also love teasing Assh bout' Priscilla...haha (sorry Hui)...
*I also like how Assh's bad boy side comes out in class as he only uses his
good boy side when he bertugas (pengawas)

Last and not least...Idiots A.K.A...Iman and his gang...
*I love hangin' round' with them...
*I love it when they make people laugh even though iman's kinda emo...
*By the way,..idiots was named by me, Kak Mira, and Maryam when they were
hanging out at my house...
*I also love how they try to act matured and cool...CACAT...at the same time...


Marsymallow A.K.A Marsya

Written on: 5:44 PM

Monday, April 6, 2009
Horrible School 0 Messages
I don't know why I just have no mood to go to school today...in school just now...was HORRIBLE...everything just went wrong today:
I FORGOT to finish my homework
I FELL off the chair in the Science lab
I was LATE for recess so all the food HABIS and I was STARVING as I love to eat

There's more but I'll just keep it to myself...


Marsymallow A.K.A Marsya

Written on: 7:47 AM

Sunday, April 5, 2009
I Hate My Blog...!!! 0 Messages
Hi am Marsya...and guess what...i hate my blog cuz its sooooooo CACAT...some kinda virus suddenly came and deleted all my past blogs starting from november last year...!!!!(CACAT)...anyway...i'll start posting my blogs tonight and i'll make sure that CACAT virus don't come back...

Message for that CACAT virus: DUN COME BACK!!!

Marsymallow A.K.A Marsya

Written on: 8:16 PM